The most intelligent thermostat, ever!
A spectacular array of possibilities
See how amazingly simple and efficient heating management can be. You can install the FIBARO Heat Controller on any number of radiators and they will co-operate with each other to provide the optimum temperature. No other controller offers such a level of heating comfort and such an array of possibilities. Wherever you are, whenever you are: use your hand, use your voice or use your mobile app to have precision control of the heating in every room in your home.
Innovative heating zone management
Precise temperature measurement
​Schedule mode with the possibility of introducing temporary changes
Pioneering algorithms used for adaptive self-programming
Significant reduction of heating costs
Comfortable, cost-effective battery charging once a season
Perfection in every detail
The most advanced technology and its unique design make the device a perfect whole, able to transform your home. Managing the temperature has never been as precise and as simple before.
A house has many rooms, and each of them should be heated in an appropriate manner.
The FIBARO Heat Controller can adjust radiators separately instead of the entire furnace to current room conditions such as the number of people in the room or the size of the radiators. All this to ensure the best conditions for you and your family, at the same time generating unprecedented savings.
Saving energy and money
Trust the FIBARO Heat Controllers to make savings to your family budget whilst taking care of the environment.
Costs reductions of up to 42%!
Works with 98% of radiator types
​The head works with the most popular types of radiator valves. Thanks to the special adapters that come within the set, it can be mounted on 98% of radiators available on the market.
Wherever you are
Wherever you are, whenever you are you may want to come home to a warm environment. By using the FIBARO App you can set a higher temperature remotely and be greeted by a cozy home when you arrive.
Choose the most convenient variant
We have created two lines of the FIBARO Heat Controller - one for the FIBARO system and one for Apple HomeKit. If you own a FIBARO system or a different one based on Z-Wave, choose a device designed to work with this technology. If you are looking for a device which works with Apple HomeKit6, choose the appropriate version.
The FIBARO Heat Controller & Temperature Sensor
The FIBARO Heat Controller
Wireless Bluetooth communication
Simple scene sequences available
Apple Siri® voice control
Works with iOS 9 and higher
The sharing home functionality
In-built rechargeable battery
Apple HomeKit